When is it the Best Time to Holiday in Cairns
When is it the Best Time to Holiday in Cairns
Your holiday time is sacred and you need to ensure you book your holiday dates to enjoy them to the absolute fullest.
Cairns in Tropical North Queensland Australia has two seasons the “Dry Season” & the “Green Season”. The dry season is the northern winter period of April to November and the green season is November to March. Each of these 2 seasons offer different opportunities to enjoy the region for various interests and activities.
The Dry Season
The dry season is also known as a very popular time to be in northern Queensland and it is also classed as the peak season. During these months the folks who reside in the southern states of Australia flee to the northern tropics to escape the bitter cold wet and rainy winter climate to enjoy some sunshine and fun in the sun with the average monthly temperatures being 25 to 29 degrees. Some of the longest school holiday periods fall in these months so families also take advantage of that to bring their children to Cairns to see the Great Barrier Reef and the World Heritage Rainforests.
Photo “Courtesy of Tourism Tropical North Queensland”.
Cairns is very much a repeat destination for Australians as it is very easy to get too either by car, aeroplane, bus or boat. The temperature is always warm, the environment is super safe which is a big plus for families, and Mother Nature offers the very best of natural scenery and attractions for everyone to enjoy.
July and August are the months the giant Humpback Whales migrate to the safe waters of the Great Barrier Reef to calve and find new mates so it’s a really great time to be out on the water snorkelling and scuba diving. If you are really keen the very best way to ensure you see whales and other marine life is on a liveaboard dive boat for a few days and there are a number of different types of boats from the backpacker budget to the more comfortable boats with attentive crew satisfying all your needs.
From Port Douglas you can even take a day trip to the reef to have the opportunity to swim with the small Dwarf Minke Whales but as these are wild animals it is not a guaranteed activity and again we recommend booking a multi night dive and snorkel trip to enjoy this amazing experience with these cute inquisitive animals.
Photo “Courtesy of Tourism Tropical North Queensland”.
Holiday accommodation is keenly sought at this time and normally visitors book their hotels a year in advance to ensure they stay in the resorts of their choice. As it is peak season the room rates are at their highest and the tours and attractions are very full so a lot of guests book these in advance also.
The Green Season
November to March are the months that nature lovers flock to Cairns to see all that the region offers. This is the time of year when the rare and exotic animals are on the move in both the ocean and the rainforests. Due to the rainfall and warm temperatures everything is a brilliant green and with the overnight rains you wake up to a bright sunny day where everything looks so fresh and cleansed.
Photo “Courtesy of Tourism Tropical North Queensland”.
The World Heritage rainforests come alive with flowering trees and bushes offering up fruits and berries to both the ground dwellers like the rare Cassowary and the wonderful array of bird species that are both migratory and permanent residents of the Cairns region. For the land dwelling animals this is a time of prosperity and the time for new life to begin. For tourists this is the best time of year to book guided tours to see these shy animals as they forage about with their young and look for mates.
On the Great Barrier Reef you have “Coral Spawning” which is basically the coral reefs releasing their tiny eggs and sperm known as gametes in a white out that looks very much like an underwater snow blizzard. This spawn can be on the reef for weeks and it provides a feeding frenzy for fish and crustaceans as these polyps are full of fatty substances. This then attracts fish from all over the world and in turn the fishermen and women who are keen to catch and tag a giant Marlin or Sailfish. Cairns has the reputation of attracting the world’s largest Marlin and the place you are most assured of catching some beautiful eating reef fish. Cairns proudly has a catch, tag and release policy for these great Marlins and Sailfish to ensure these species survive into the future.
The prawns are also on the run just in time for the Christmas holidays and the marine life are all having babies as this is basically spring time for them. The six species of turtles that call the Great Barrier Reef home are nesting on the beaches and islands and the crocodiles are now visible and nesting and also on the prowl for food and mates after hibernating over the colder temperatures in the dry season.
Photo “Courtesy of Tourism Tropical North Queensland”.
The coral spawning is a very important event for all reef systems the world over as it is the time to create new colonies of coral that grow at an average rate of only 4 inches per annum and in turn support our marine life and of course the human food chain.
For nature lovers this is the peak time to head to Cairns and Tropical North Queensland. It is also the best time to get some bargain deals on holiday accommodation as most of these months are not classed as peak season apart from the school holiday periods over Christmas.
The average temperature is around 29 to 31 degrees with humidity and much higher rainfall. The rainfall provides the much needed water for the rainforests and rivers that in turn send the nutrients out to the Great Barrier Reef.
The rivers are spectacular in the green season and provide some of the world’s best white water rafting. The waterfalls are pumping and the swimming holes on the Tablelands are a welcome place to spend the day in nature cooling off and enjoying the scenery with the local wildlife
So as you can see Cairns offers different attractions for different types of travellers during the year so it is really up to you to choose the holiday time that best suits your annual leave availability or your families schedule.
Contact us on: ph 1300 780 806 or 07 4059 5959
Visit us on http://www.cairnsaccommodation.com/
Posted on September 21, 2017 at 9:20am by Christina James
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