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Cairns Amateurs Golden Couple Named To Fly the Flag!

Jul 22

Cairns Amateurs Golden Couple Named To Fly the Flag!


The CEO Cairns Amateurs Carlton Mid Carnival, Graham Thornton is pleased to announce that Brisbane’s hottest young racing couple, Tony and Jane Gollan have been secured as this year’s carnival ambassadors.


As one of Brisbane’s leading trainers, whose name is associated with his two stable stars, the ‘Boom Brothers’ Tony Gollan is considered hot property in Australia’s horse racing industry.

Together with his glamorous wife Jane, the Gollans were considered the perfect identities to represent the future of racing and in particular, this year’s Cairns Amateurs Carlton Mid Carnival.

“We are delighted to begin our involvement with Cairns Amateurs Carlton Mid Carnival which is an event we have watched grow over the years and can’t wait to attend. For more than 50 years this event has been the major racing and social networking event in Australia’s tropical north. It is an honour to be its ambassadors which is a role we will leverage from to spread the word on a national scale that fashion and racing in regional Queensland is well and truly alive and kicking!”

Mr Thornton is predicting this year’s ambassador partnership will be very fruitful in terms of attracting southern visitors while adding sophistication to the fashionable elements of the carnival.

“As a trainer, Tony’s pedigree and success is second to none. Added to that, he is media savvy with excellent communication skills to promote the sport and future of Cairns Amateurs.

His wife Jane is also integral in the role she will play. An experienced horsewoman in her own right and seasoned Fashions on the Field competitor, Jane will add glamour to the carnival while also taking her place on the judging panel deciding this year’s highly coveted Fashions on the Field honours,” said Graham.

Mr Thornton said that with just two months until Cairns’ biggest racing carnival gets underway demand for information and tickets is high and he is predicting they will match or even better last year’s attendance of 17,000 through the gates.

“Tickets are selling fast, so get online and secure your experience at the Carlton Mid Cairns Amateurs Carnival.”

Cairns Holiday Specialists are one of the officially appointed companies to package VIP tickets and accommodation for the 2014 Cairns Amateurs in September.  

Click here: Cairns Amateurs Packages for more information.


Posted on July 22, 2014 at 12:56pm by Susan Crockford

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